have covered Hitler many times on Listverse, but rarely from a somewhat
historiometric perspective. We all know that he remains the primary cause of
WWII. He instigated it to suit two profound desires: to become the most
powerful person on Earth, preferably in history, if not to rule the whole
world; and, for his own enjoyment, to cause as much pain as possible against
all those he deemed responsible for Germany’s humiliating and miserable defeat
in WWI, and its squalid poverty between the wars. Germany was forced to pay
every other nation’s wartime expenses after the First World War, and this
utterly destroyed Germany’s economy. The Deutschmark became so worthless that
children burned millions of them at once to keep warm in the streets.
The Jews, meanwhile, largely kept their money
in gold and jewelry, safe in international banks. Gold and diamonds do not
depreciate, and Hitler seized on his own hatred of the Jews’ prosperity in the
Interbellum to sway as many people to his side as possible. Add to this a
supreme mastery of oratory, and history is about to suffer a severe
catastrophe. WWII resulted in more deaths than any other war, up to 71 million,
and Hitler is the most to blame. He knew and was not ashamed. He was despised
and happy about it.
He is routinely listed alongside the
following names on lists of the most evil people, real or fictitious, in
history, especially those of public polls: “the Devil;” “Satan;” “Lucifer;”
“Stalin.” The current US President (whoever it is) is usually next, although
recently elected popes can unseat him. It can be argued that Hitler shaped the
20th Century more than any other person, except possibly Einstein, and Hitler
is the only person of the 20th or 21st Century on this list. Quite an
impressive ranking to have been dead for only 68 years.
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